
Kharkiv Institute of Private Joint-Stock Company “Higher education institution “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”trains specialists of the field 05 “Social and behavioral sciences” 053 “Psychology” of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education. The graduation department for specialty 053 “Psychology” is the department of general scientific, social and behavioral disciplines.

The specialty program 053 “Psychology” is focused on the training of qualified psychology specialists, and primarily involves their development in personal, professional and social terms, and its result is not just the acquisition of psychological knowledge, abilities and skills, but the formation of key professional competencies adequate to modern socio-cultural conditions.

The educational process of training psychologists is carried out taking into account the didactic capabilities of modern information and communication technologies of education and is oriented towards the formation of an educated, harmoniously developed personality, capable of self-education, constant updating of scientific knowledge, professional mobility, rapid adaptation to changes in the socio-cultural sphere, management systems and labor organization in the conditions of a market economy. In the system of modern scientific knowledge, psychology occupies a special place, which is determined by its specificity, because it combines the theoretical foundations on which it is based and practical activities with various clients.

Specialist psychologists are able to act as mediators in the system of interaction between the individual, family and society, actively influence the creation of positive relations in society, the harmonization of relationships between people, support useful initiatives, stimulate various types of assistance, conduct psychological research, etc. Particular attention is paid to the development of students’ necessary professional skills for effective psychological counseling of other people. Psychologists also master the basic principles of drawing up psychocorrective programs and providing psychocorrective assistance.
Specialists from the direction of training “Psychology” can perform research, educational, managerial, psychodiagnostic, consulting and psychocorrective work: in scientific and educational institutions of various levels; in institutions of social spheres engaged in social and psychological assistance; economic institutions, performing personnel duties; medical institutions, providing psychological support to sick persons; in law enforcement agencies, together with other specialists, taking part in law enforcement activities.

Psychologists also develop recommendations and implement psychohygienic measures to improve the conditions of education, upbringing and production of a person. Graduate psychologists prepare to work in the system of education, medicine, social assistance to the population, social services for families, children and youth, in the Armed Forces, SBU, Ministry of Internal Affairs, administrative, political and private structures.The main goal of the specialty is to provide education in the field of social and behavioral sciences with broad employment opportunities for successful professional self-realization in the labor market, to form the basic competencies of a psychologist capable of independent work and continuing education through doctoral programs in psychology. The program provides for the possibility of specialization.
Specialization for obtaining a bachelor’s degree Practical Psychology, qualification Bachelor of Psychology with specialization “Practical Psychology”. The term of study is 4 years by full-time correspondence forms of study.

Masters receive the qualification Master in Psychology. The term of study is 1 year 6 months (for the corresponding basic education) and 2 years (with unrelated basic education) in full-time correspondence forms of education.
Competences formed as a result of training under an educational and professional training program.

Knowledge and understanding:

• fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the psychological aspects of human activity and behavior, understanding the holistic phenomenon of the existence of a human personality, his mental health;
• theoretical foundations and practical skills of analytical work in order to determine the factors causing psychological problems;
• theoretical and methodological substantiation of experimental research programs;
• modern and classic methods of diagnosis of individual psychological characteristics of the personality;
• theoretical and methodological justification and principles of organizing psychoprophylactic, psychocorrective, psychotherapeutic work with different layers of the population in different fields of psychology;
• methodological and psychological support and psychological substantiation of various forms of organization of the educational process in higher and secondary educational institutions.Be able to apply knowledge and understanding:
• fundamental and practical knowledge in the field of psychology when solving specific psychological educational-educational and scientific-methodical tasks;
• use acquired new knowledge and innovations in practical activities, professionally navigate modern information and communication systems, own the latest information processing technologies;
• develop and implement scientific research on topical issues in various fields of psychology;
• to develop and implement psychodiagnostic programs aimed at studying the individual and psychological characteristics of individuals, psychological characteristics of groups and collectives;
• to have modern methods of psychotherapy, psychocorrection, career guidance and consulting work;
• possess the technique of conducting social and psychological training;
• to possess the methods of psychological formation of the educational process in higher and secondary educational institutions;
• to have modern methods of teaching psychology, conducting practical, seminar classes, and laboratory work;
• prepare scientific articles and participate in the work of psychological conferences, congresses, etc., based on the results of scientific research work;
• conduct paperwork and communication in the state language and foreign languages. Ability to use professional knowledge, skills and abilities:
• in practical psychological work (practical psychologist; psychologist; consultant psychologist; consultant of psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation);
• in research work (researcher (psychology) in research institutions; assistant, teacher in higher and secondary educational institutions);
• in pedagogical work (assistant, teacher (psychological disciplines) at higher and secondary educational institutions).

–  Special (professional):
–  Ability for analytical and synthetic thinking
–  Ability to continuous and relevant learning
–  Mastering new knowledge, methodological developments accumulated in international psychological practice.
–  Ability to systematize the results of scientific research on research problems
–  Ability to understand and use innovative technologies in professional activities
–  Ability to interact effectively both on an individual and social level
–  Ability for business communication in the professional sphere, knowledge of the basics of business communication, teamwork skills
–  Ability to ensure professional self-realization of the individual
–  Ability to perform diagnostic and advisory activities
–  Ability for production and management activities
–  Ability to socio-technological activities
–  Ability to rehabilitative and preventive activities


1. Approaches to teaching and learning: Student-centered learning. Theoretical training (lectures, seminars, practical classes in small groups, independent work based on monographs, the latest publications, consultations with teachers, preparation of a master’s thesis) with the implementation of practical tasks in consulting and analytics, using trainings, case studies, discussions, game situations, testing, brainstorming (intellectual storming).
2.Evaluation system: Knowledge testing, surveys, discussions, self-monitoring and self-evaluation, oral and written exams; presentations; current control; written essays; control papers, course (project) papers and their defense; practice reports, state exam; defense of a master’s thesis (project).


• Be able to provide effective search, analyze and structure information based on logical arguments and verified facts;
• To have the methodology, technologies and methods of scientific research, various areas and tools of analytical activity;
• Be able to analyze and interpret research results;
• Be able to use theoretical and methodological knowledge of psychological problems in research and explanation of mental phenomena;
• Be able to conduct a psychological experiment, process and evaluate its results.
• Be able to use acquired new knowledge and developments in practical activities;
• Professionally navigate modern theoretical approaches and practical directions.
• Be able to independently study scientific sources, extraction of the latest world developments of a theoretical nature;
• Use theoretical knowledge to develop and implement new methods of psychodiagnostics, correction, counseling, and process empirical data obtained using statistical methods.• Apply information and communication systems, own the latest technological methods of information processing
• Possess the elements of pedagogical skills;
• Be able to carry out educational work on team cohesion;
• To understand the essence and regularities of mental phenomena, the psychological structure of personality, theories of personality, the conditions of its development and formation;
• Predict social and psychological processes, implement the latest learning technologies
• Be able to build communication links with various groups of subjects of psychological work (clients, local residents, specialists, consultants);
• Possess the skills and abilities of high-quality, professional oral and written communication, which is a prerequisite for professional efficiency;
• To substantiate and productively teach, to ensure the development and correction of the activity of an individual, a social group;
• Be able to accompany the work of the staff in order to achieve the desired result of work and satisfy their needs;
• Study and generalize psychological problems, provide recommendations for their solution
• Be able to plan the main stages of psychological counseling: preparation, diagnosis, action planning, implementation;
• Identify individual and typological features of the personality;
• Ensure the transition from diagnostic to advisory work, taking into account the client’s characteristics;
• Predict personality behavior and its development;
• Be able to develop comprehensive programs of diagnostic and advisory work and organize psychological and advisory points;
• To organize the work of psychological assistance services for different segments of the population.

 To be able to organize and provide social and psychological assistance to different segments of the population;

• Provide psychological assistance in extreme situations;
• Organize and carry out rehabilitation measures for the psychological protection of citizens in crisis situations;
• To ensure the operation of the system of psychological services providing assistance to the population.
Training of specialists with higher education in specialty 053 “Psychology” is carried out at the appropriate levels of higher education: bachelor’s; master of professional direction;


A bachelor in the specialty 053 “Psychology” can perform professional work and hold the following primary positions:
• psychologist (in educational institutions (preschool educational institutions, general and specialized schools);
• a specialist in providing assistance to disadvantaged families;
• specialist in social work;
• head of the (creative) section.
• psychologist-consultant;
• professional consultant;
• a psychologist can also hold positions that do not require in-depth professional knowledge, complex research work, and which are mainly focused on solving stereotypical activity problems.

A master’s degree in specialty 053 “Psychology” can perform professional work and hold the following primary positions
Work by profession in the field of social and behavioral sciences, law enforcement system; institutions, institutions, organizations of social protection, health care, education, culture, higher education institutions, etc. Can hold positions that require conducting independent research, making complex decisions, possessing in-depth professional knowledge to solve mostly diagnostic and heuristic problems: psychologist, researcher in psychology, consultant of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission, consultant on socio-political issues:

– teacher of a higher educational institution;
– researcher (psychology);
– a psychologist;
– consultant of the central psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation.